Thursday, August 16, 2012

it was a crazy one.

Wow. I have no idea what to put in this post.  I do not know what is too personal and what is necessary to share to maybe make a difference.  I will do my best at explaining the end part of our trip to Honduras, but please ask dan or i to share in person so you can better pray for the situation.  As I mentioned in the past two posts, Fanny and Danillo were two of our good family friends in Porvenir.  We found out in February that they had separated and given one of their daughters away to a family member and three of their kids away to a woman who was beating them severely.  The abuse was severe and eventually Milades, Danillo's sister, got three of the kids back to care for and raise.  Here are pictures of the sweet children.
This is Nayeli, she is the one who was given away to family member
This is Dynady the 8 year old with our friend, Christina who goes with us each time. 
Sweet Josue, he is 2.
This is Nayeli and Dynady last year when they still lived with their mother
This is all four of the children together.  The one on the right is Michelle who is 6.
All of these kids are so precious to us and for reasons that I would rather talk about privately, they should not be with their mother Fanny.  There were two nights in a row when we left late at night sobbing because of their situation.  Fanny came back after not seeing her children in months and demanded the three of them back.  In summary, the night ended with physical fighting, the police, passing the children out of windows, and finally hiding them.  The children stayed with us for that night and the whole next day.  The next day consisted of Katlyn and I going with Milades into town to try to win custody.  We were sent from place to place and were finally granted temporary custody until a formal investigation could happen.  We were overjoyed.  Yet all of that changed within hours because when we went at night to drop the children off, we had found out that Milades was severely threatened by Fanny and her only option was to give Fanny back her children.  Milades agreed that to save her own life, she would let Fanny live back in her old house which is right across from Milades where she could still watch out for the children and make sure Fanny does not give the kids away again.
Yet, Fanny is their mother.  She can take them when she wants. The child protection system and the situation is so awful that the only hope is that The Lord changes Fanny's heart.  That the Lord will help Fanny to stop the destructive life she is living that that the four precious lives of these children are protected.
Pray for Nayeli who is still living with another family.  Pray for Josue that he will trust and become a carefree two year old again.  Pray for Michelle who cannot understand the situation.  And please, pray for sweet Dynady.  She is 8 and knows more than she should ever know.  She has seen her mother do things that are hideous.  She has had to care for her siblings and meet their every need in ways that an 8 year old cannot.
The rest of our time in Porvenir was so good at times, but the gravity of this situation was stressful and awful in so may ways.  We were so blessed by so many families feeding us and taking care of us.  The last day we had goodbye parties and goodbye meals.  Each time leaving gets a harder because I love the people in such a deeper way, especially Milades family, yet it also gets easier because I know I have no choice but to start planning my next trip.
As I get ready to go back to school I feel overwhelmed.  My heart is heavy and I know it is the same for everyone else who went on this trip.  My heart is aching for these four children and for Milades.  I know that the Lord is good and I trust he will protect like he says he will, but it still is scary.  The first night that things calmed down with Fanny and the children, Milades asked if we could have a worship night.  We sang and we prayed and it was so genuine and good.  I knew in my heart in that moment that the Lord would protect the children while we were gone, but now that we are gone, it takes a little more convincing and a little more prayer on my part to have a peaceful heart about it.
I hope to soon put up more pictures one pictures get loaded on the computer and I hope to talk more about bible study and the kids camp and building the tables and all of the amazing things, but I feel right now what is most important is to ask once again for prayer.  I pray that you will remember these four children's names and Fanny and Milades and write them on your heart and commit them to prayer.  They sure do need it.

Monday, August 6, 2012

a hurricane?

Another few days have passed which means its a few more days until the day we leave.  That makes me sad. Tonight we are expecting a hurricane... not really sure how intense or anything but so far it is only rain and wind and to be honest it is nice because it cools things off quickly.  It has been incredibly hot here.  It is okay during the day but during the night is when it is just simply awful.  We only really have one fan and there are 7 of us in two seperate rooms.  But, i hate to complain because it could obviously be worse.  We are blessed.  This morning we had our first day of camp for the children and it was so much fun.  We dressed up and acted crazy, it felt alot like young life.  In a few hours we will start bible study and I have to admit that I am nervous.  I am nervous that it will keep raining and not work, i am worried what we have planned will not be enough, and overall I am just insecure about it.  But it will be okay and good because it will be the Lord and not us.  Anyways, I think the internet is about to go out.  Just a quick update!  Also be praying for Fanny´s family because right now the kids I blogged about last time are at a risk of being taken away again and who knows to where.  Please pray.

Friday, August 3, 2012

never want to leave.

It has been a little over a week here in Porvenir.  The first 6 days it was just Dan, me, and Christina but the rest of the group just arrived a few days ago.  The house is full... and healthy (knocking on wood as i type that).  The past week has been so good. I wish I could explain just how good.  First, our time with Milades and baby Allison and the rest of the kids has been so amazing.  Allison is so cute and getting bigger.  At first she was shy towards us but now as soon as she sees us she smiles and reaches out to us.  It was a little sad and hard when we first got here because Milades brothers family who we are close to are in a really tough situation.  Fanny, their mom left and so did the father.  For a short time their three children lived with a woman who physically abused them severely.  They then were brought to Milades house for Milades to raise them.  She now has 11 people to feed.  11 people to care for under one very small roof living in extreme poverty.  I am now more glad than ever that we were able to make her a bunkbed last year.  Still, it is only 3 beds for 11 people.  And her husband is out of work.  It is clearly hard there.  We did hire her husband to work with us on the tables we made for the kinder and we have her to wash our clothes for them to make some money while we are here as well as took Milades to the grocery store to buy groceries.  The effects of the physical abuse on the children though is clearly lasting.  Josue, one of the children is two and one of our favorites here, and definitely one of the cutest, has clearly emotionally taken a beating and is very quiet and reserved now.  He loves and trusts Dan and goes to him constantly and just lays his head on his shoulder.  It is so sweet, but so sad.  He needs his dad.
On a lighter note, the twins and their family are doing great.  They are so beautiful and so fun to play with and love Dan in such an obvious way.  It truly is a blessing to watch.  Also, missionaries came to Porvenir to build a new Kinder since before it was held at multiple peoples houses.  It is amazing.  I will post pictures when we get back to the states.  We finished the tables for the kinder and they are also amazing.  Victor, the man who helped us with the bunkbeds last year helped us with the tables and I am so thankful.  They look so good.  Also, we went to Cayos Cuchinos today.  They are the same islands that Dan and I went to last year.  Today was so much fun.  The islands are the most beautiful ones I have ever seen and the experience is so amazing each time.  We snorkled, swam in amazingly clear water, and took a thousand pictures.
I feel like I am rambling. I just want to write about everything.  But I cannot and I am sorry if this blog is overwhelming.  Most importantly we are having so much fun and the Lord is revealing so much to me in my quiet times with him and also in every moment during the day with the families we spend time with.  Dan and Is bible study starts Monday as well as the kids camp we all are putting on for the kids.  We are about to go eat dinner at the restaurant on the river.  It is a personal favorite.  Keep praying! We still have so much ahead of us.  Love and miss you all.